
"Wage Peace". Deep in our hearts we know there is a tremendous difference between being a peace lover and a peace maker. Peace lovers like the calm and security and illusion of "giving peace a chance". But peace has no chance unless it is waged!

Peace is not a state that results because of a lack of wars; peace is the result of work, character, and sacrifice of those who are peacemakers. They wage peace. They take risks; they forgive wrongs; and they compromise on personal demands without sacrificing personal integrity. They are willing to pay the price to make and preserve the peace with integrity. No wonder God calls such people His children; they're doing what is most like Him!

What great blessings there are for the people that work to bring peace! God will call them His sons and daughters.

In much the same way, the disciple who does not live by Kingdom Family values will lose his or her ability to influence and preserve peace on other people. Jesus was interested in calling disciples so that the righteousness, justice, and compassion of God could be shared and modeled to the world. If His disciples were to lose those things, then of what good and influence have they been?

What really is most important is faith expressing itself through love. In our world today, isn't it interesting that the most important issue is the same as it was two thousand years ago -- faith expressing itself through love?

Thought: Salt is good for nothing, if it loses its salty taste.

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