Pastor Donnie McClurkin in Willemstad

Heaven's Love Language

First, we had a wonderful time at work with Papa. We went to WIMCO and greatly surprised him with a delightful Breakfast. Since he doesn't like surprise's much, he had quite a face

... and later in the evening, it was exactly like we expected! An incredibly blessed culmination of this Valentine's Day; a reunion with the Holy One, the Almighty Jesus Christ, our Father in Heaven, with Donnie Mc Clurkin as the Representative.

We've learned from Pastor Donnie that Jesus' "love" was "patience". His "love" was "patience"... "pasenshi". Altough I know it, and am living that virtue; today I am being faced and reminded with a challenge. I am openly commanded to love those who do not think or live like me. And though I abhor their lifestyles; I must find a way to channel that passion and conviction into loving them with the same conviction that Jesus modeled.

Life is God's gift to us, but what we do with that life is our gift back to God. One of the most expressive ways to show God our attitude of gratitude is to share the life of Jesus' love with others.

We live in a world that is screaming for love in all the wrong places. As a society, we have lowered our standards to believe that it doesn't matter where the love comes from, as long as it packaged with a label called "love". Most often we find that what we call "love" is actually lust disguised.

He said: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you".

Tema sentral di e predikashi bendishoná, ye'i ternura di Pastor Donnie Mc Clurkin tabata "Amor"! Amor ta e uniko prueba pa un hende konose Dios, pasobra "Dios ta Amor". Komuniká ku otro ku Amor, i korigí otro ku Amor manera Hesus a hasi semper hasta ku tur ku a traishon'é. Pasobra ta esun ku hiba e aktitut aki, ta stima su ruman realmente. Ta esun ku ta stima su ruman, konose Dios di bèrdat.

Señor ta bisa na tur: "Mi yunan stimá, no laga nos stima ku boka i palabra so, ma laga nos stima di bèrdè mes ku echo! T'asinei nos lo haña sa si nos ta pertenesé na e Dios berdadero i tambe si nos por keda ku un kurason trankil dilanti di dj'E" -- 1 Huan 3:18-19

Mi ta resa: Hesus, mi ke gradisí Bo pa Bo instrukshon pa komprondé kon nos por biba huntu komo Pueblo di Dios. Danki pa konsagrá mi bida, kurason, pensamentu i obra. Yuda nos komunidat kaminda nos ta biba, pa kada un di nos kana den direkshon di viktoria grandi, pa honor di Dios i bienestar di Su Pueblo. Señor, yudami perseverá den tempu di prueba, Amèn.

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