"What a jewel you have". These five words created a beautiful marriage. Both the husband and wife viewed one another as precious diamonds.
We rejoice today in the celebration of another Wedding Anniversary: our 14th! As for God, His way is perfect! You know, all that is lasting and GOOD, comes from His heart. And the love you share, is a reflection of how truly GOOD He is. I always elaborate on how to enhance a marriage. How can I possibly keep the sparks in my marriage alive? Well, it takes significant time to generate them and keep them alive. It begins with not despairing, and with not being resigned to a "spark-less" existence. It starts with being realistic about how to create them.
To us, these common attitudes evinces in making us have our marriage as our number one priority
- Applying outcome thinking. That is, before saying or doing something, ask the self what the outcome will be of what I will say or do. -- Only say or do things that are value to have positive outcomes.
- See the good; focus on the positive qualities and patterns of each other.
- Don’t cause pain. Instead, find ways to evaluate what each other say and do.
- Reframe positively. Speak with respect at all times. Even if you are upset or angry, still speak with respect.
- Apologize first. Take the initiative to apologize for any mistake or misunderstanding.
- Focus on own responsibilities. Don’t blame each other for not being all that one should be. Rather, focus on your own responsibilities to be loving and respectful.
- Constantly say and do things to put each other in positive states, AND MAKE PRAYING FOR AND WITH EACH OTHER A HABIT.
Kindness coming from the heart, never asks for anything in return. -- LeMonique
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