Harvard Students plead for "YES" in Curaçao's Referendum

After extensive examination of the political reforms, two students of the American Harvard University, Jeremias Prassl and Ben Gardner, are of the opinion that during the referendum one has to give the green light for the package that has been negotiated. They made their conclusions public in a lecture at the UNA (University of the Netherlands Antilles). They gave a presentation entitled “Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles and the Kingdom: A look through the constitutional prism”, which took place for invitees of the law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne. The two students crossed the entire island in the past two weeks and spoke with all important parties about renewals. They held in-depth interviews with a total of over forty people.

Renewals stand for Democracy
What is striking, is that they made themselves fully familiar with the subject matter in a brief period of time and know the smallest details, but also the sensitive points, fears, and contradictions.

The students presented their findings to the invitees at the law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne, where they had elaborated on their research.

Source: Local Newspaper “Antilliaans Dagblad”.

You can download a PDF of the report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always inspired by you, your opinion and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.

- Thomas