Welcome to the World, Giada Delsol

Look who made her arrival...

Kevin and Desiree Delsol-Curiel added a precious little girl to their family on May 18, 2009. Giada Davina Marie made a surprise entrance and was born quite unexpectedly. Fortunately, all was well and both her and her Mommie Desi are doing great. So today I do this post to officially introduce her. Isn't she a beauty?

Love, laughter, and new life. What a sweet combination. Welcome to the world, Giada, and welcome to our hearts!

Definition of Giada:


Gender: Feminine
Origin: Italy
Meaning: The Italian form of Jade. Jade is a gemstone of unique symbolic energy, and unique in the myths that surround it. With its beauty and wide-ranging expressiveness, Jade has held a special attraction for mankind for thousands of years.

In gemstone therapy it is said that Jade stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonising effect.

So this beautiful gemstone brings us joy, vivacity and happiness all at the same time – and what, in our times, could we possibly need more?


Aileen Looman said...


Felisitá Desireetje p'ami, deseanan felisidat di parti dimi i Cesar.

Figueroaftcf said...

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