HAPPY BIRTHDAY to The Mother of Abundance

She was given the gift of a teacher and is still sharing the knowledge to unlimited possibilities and how to achieve them. Between that time and now, by using what I've had learned from this teacher, I’ve accomplished much more than I had known was even possible.

Mama, we send you greetings from all of the Presidents, Kings and Queens of the world. From the Angels and Arc Angels as well, and the supreme solar and lunar Angels, and the Angels of the cosmos who are protecting the large and small forces of nature. We send greetings from the Saints who are always praising your name. You bring happiness to whatever you do and whatever area you are present.

Mama nos dushi, nos amor, felis kumpleaños! Today you are awarded with 65th honorary Godly degrees! He says "hi Nyria Jacqueline Juliana" and is wishing you a great day.

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