Ban Drecha'wó Nos Bida ku Kristu- Ban kana e kaminda di Lus!

Interprete: Monique Crafton- Kor Vivienne Frans & Co. -Parokia di Sta. Ana

Celebrate Jesus Christ's Glorious Resurrection! As you look back at your life, I'm sure you have seen His mighty hand at work day by day and your heart overflows with unspeakable joy as you consider what He has done for you. I’m sure there have been moments when you, too, have wondered, “Where would I be without Jesus?” Truly, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Awe, riba e dia ku nos Señor Hesu-Kristu a pasa di morto-pa-BIDA, mi ke deseá bo Felís Pasku, i ta komidá bo pa keda skucha Kreador Su palabranan pasobra ku legría lo bo saka fruta for di fuéntenan di bida. Su kariño pa bo ta henter bo bida largu.

Kreador; nos Tata ku ta biba den àltúranan di shelu, a manda Hesu-Kristu komo Lus di mundu, pa duna hende e klaridat di Su Lus.

Petishon: Tata, bendishoná e Lus aki, pa e por sende den nos un deseo ardiente di kompartí Bo Lus ku tur hende rònt di nos.

Gradisimentu: Danki pa Bo Lus i Bo bèrdat. Nan lo guiá mi i hibá mi na Bo séru santu; na Bo lugá di biba. Mi alma ta adorá Bo Señor! Oh Señor nos bon Dios; grandi ta Bo nòmber den henter Universo.

I proclaim I am forgiven! I proclaim I am loved! I proclaim I am cleansed! I proclaim that by His grace I have all that I need!

1 comment:

Rachael Thompson said...

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