Face the Music and your Expression

I was driving home from work the other day, and decided to tune the radio on another local music station. They were playing a popular worship song from Moment of Praise (Gospel Choir) entitled, "No a Sobra Tempu". Great song with a deep message.

After listening to the song, and having somewhat of a party in my car at the thought of an awesome God, creator of the Universe, who has chosen to love us, be mindful of us; I was quite saddened by the song that came on next.

This time it was a totally different category. I say to you... the singers must have named the words 'papia riba mi' at least 40 times throughout the song, before I finally decided to shut it off. The essence of the song was to encourage the listener to 'forget' everything good that God had placed in us via the previous song, and just 'hate' each other, by living a life that is only teaching us comparison and being angry.

Although there is plenty of room for me to conclude why the artist felt it necessary to make a song with such lyrics and purpose, I couldn't help to wonder why for these people it is nesesary to go off track from the design of displaying an attitude of gratitude. They should be an example in helping you and I become fixated on the name and nature of everything GOOD.

...rather than teaching unholy character and attributes wich are not essential to our growth in God!

The content of what we say should always reflect positivism. The content of what we sing should also always reflect our maturity in the same positivism. Without God's heart at the core of our lives, our songs will begin to be set on things and concerns that God (to be quite honest) may not even be concerned about.

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