Chinese Night Out - for Woman only

We all need a little break from our stressful days.

We had a night out on Saturday… it was a 'Chinese Night', hosted by my niece Nathalie (dressed with the red Chinese top). "Mistel Chino" offered a 'leally' yummy dinner. It was lovely and elegant and very appetizing! For dessert we had vanilla ice-cream with fortune cookies, from which everyone had to read up their personal message.

The table was all set with Chinese pattern table cloth and inspiring handpainted china ware, matching with a lovely pair of decorative chopsticks. The Chinese dress code together with the rest of the Chinese decoration, the paper lanterns and the Chinese Karaoke, made it all complete.

Just when we didn't expect it, there he was: the surprise act! 'El Mago Tom Presti' came to entertain us and it was quite hilarious.The performance last about 2 hours.

At the end, every person individually had the pleasure in sharing with each other a way for its spirit to live on... -- my niece Yrzah gave a graceful speach that went accompanied by a 'Lucky Bamboo plant' and a 'Jade key-ring' personalized for each one of us.

In about 2 weeks we will be featuring a High Tea Party. I'll be posting the pictures by then.


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