Esmée: "It is not by your actions that you will be saved, but by your being"

"People ask what must they become to be loving. The answer is ‘nothing’. It is a process of letting go of what you thought you had become and allowing your true nature to float to the surface naturally. The spiritual path doesn’t require us to get anything. It’s a process of opening to new dimensions of who we already are. It’s a process of awakening to our own truth. It’s a process of allowing ourselves to be authentic"

A very Happy Birthday to one of the most wonderful woman in my world. Meetje, awe nos ta kanta ♫ May the good Lord bless you ♪ Amèn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Monique,
What a wonderful message, and also a wonderful act.
Thank you for caring this much for mankind. That's why I recommended you as a nominee for the program of 100 positive rolemodels for the Curaçao youth.
Love you,