Bon Siman!

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ, rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts, deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise. An umpire is responsible for making decisions. Our "umpire" is the inner peace, or witness in our spirit. He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself.

A focus for parents

One of our responsibilities as parents is to become independent of our children.

Many of us feel inadequate as parents because we assume we are totally responsible for them, but we are not.

Their soul is in charge of their lives, and nothing that you do can greatly interfere nor greatly help. Who you are as a being and what you model is the important reality.

How specifically can we support our children? We want them to feel nurtured and valued. We want to support them in learning how to provide for themselves. And we want to help them build good relationships.

Parents: persons who spend half their time worrying how a child will turn out, and the rest of the time wondering when a child will turn in.

from my favorite collection of Max Lucado

How to turn Prospect and Clients in to CUSTOMERS for LIFE:

Hello my friend,

Here is a short preview of what you will be missing if you don’t register for this exclusive seminar. -By Motivational Coach Rodney Bourne-

Your business or job can increase revenue by more than 100% by focusing on and knowing the answers to three of these major areas.

1) Motivation Questions: What motivates me and my employees? What motivates my customers to buy from me? To be continued………………

2) Positioning Questions: What is my current reputation? What are my most differentiated and valuable skills? To be continued…………….

3) Connection Questions: Who do I know who can help me reach my goals? Who needs to know me so I can reach my goals? To be continued………..

The list goes on………… So don’t hesitate to call to register today via the poster below. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Guaranteed!

Click on the flyer to view!

Abundant Life Ministries Presents: William Mc Dowell in Concert

Click on flyer for a larger view

August 7, 2010 at Episentro Evangelístiko Bida Abundante

Entrance Naf. 25, - Pre sale (Naf. 30, - at the door)

Ticket's available at:

Kas di Beibel - Mensing's Caminada - Radio MAS 99 - Shemidah's Agencies (Rooseveltweg 50 A) - Beep Beep Rio Canario & Brievengat

Grace be with you, -Pastor Norwin Josepa

Love is My Religion

There is no nourishment like love. A loving person lives in a loving world. The tranquil nature of enlightened souls comes from their ability to take God's help constantly. A state of true surrender will lead to the feeling of victory in everything you do. Journey into the stillness of your inner being. Here, in the shade of your true self you will find true comfort and true support. Make that moment momentous!

The labels people use to describe us

We live in a culture that uses labels as a means of understanding the world and the people living in it. As a result, many of us find ourselves laboring under labels that have every kind of connotation.

Unless we can find a way to see the good in such a label, we may feel burdened by an idea of ourselves that is not accurate. It is important to remember that almost nothing in this world is all good or all bad, and most everything is a complex mixture of gifts and challenges. Owning the positive side of a label can lead us deeper into our gifted visions and fertile imaginations.

If we can remember and examine our own selves and the labels people use to describe us, we find that there is a bright side to any characterization.

If you have been labeled, remember that all you have to do to see the positive side is to turn the label around. For example, you may be considered to be overly emotional, and the fact that you are perceived this way may make you feel out of control. But notice, too, you might begin to see yourself as brave and open-hearted enough to stay alive to your feelings. You may also see that there are certain paths and professions in which this is a necessary ability. As you turn your label around, the light of your true nature shines to guide you on your way.

Turn It Around!

The Ripple Effect

Try this experiment:

Enter the office with a straight face (not too straight).

As you meet others who have a similar kind of straightness on their face, force yourself to smile. Then watch the other person return the smile - perhaps not to the same extent or for so long, or absolutely immediately - but it will return. This is the absolute and often instant proof of the 'ripple and reflect effect'.

You get back whatever you put out.

We know this, but we forget, and then wonder why everyone seems to give us a straight face, even a grumpy face, on a regular basis.

Now learn to make the smile more real, deeper, smilier! Where does a real smile begin? From the heart. Can you smile at will from the heart? Why not? You need to find out soon, because you will live an unsmiling life if you don't find out what is stopping your heart reaching your face.

No one else is responsible - there's only you in there.

So don't go blaming others if you are not radiating from head and heart. What's blocking it? Take your time. Look in, listen in and see. You'll be surprised. You'll probably laugh. And say, "How silly!"

GinaDiva! A Birthday Inspired with Victorious Attitude

I love you, my heart to heart sister! You deserve the best and a constant supply of blessings. I wish you an unlimited life filled with love, joy, freedom and success in everything you do.

Pabien, rise and shine Gina!

2 Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes, Which God gave me to hold. He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box, And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes, both my joys and sorrows I stored.

But though the gold became heavier each day, the black was as light as before. With curiosity, I opened the black box. I wanted to find out why, and saw in the base of the box, a hole, which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,"I wonder where my sorrows could be!" He smiled a gentle smile and said, "My child, they're all here with Me."

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes, why the gold and the black with the hole? He said, "My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, the black is for you to let go."

AWE! E Dia di Mi Bida!

No ta eksisti un dia mas bunita ku AWE!

E sòm di hopi ayera ta forma mi pasado. Mi pasado ta konsisti di dianan alegre... i tristu....

Tin di nan bo ta topanan bèk riba un pòtret. Riba nan mi por mira dia mi tabata chikí, dia ku mi a bai skol, dia ku mi a pasa ku mi famia òf amigunan.

Ayera por tabata un dia hopi dushi pero mi no por avansá si kada bes mi keda wak patras, mi por kore e risiko di no mira e karanan ku ta na mi banda. Portá e dia di mañan lo manesé hopi bunita... pero mi no por avansá mirando solamente e horizonte, mi ta kore e risiko di no wak e paisahe ku tin den banda.

Ta pesei mi ta skohe e dia di AWE! Mi gusta lanta ku energia, gosa di un solo kayente òf di tembla di friu, sinti manera kada instante e ta bisa: "presente"!

Mi sa ku e ta kòrtiku, ku tempu ta bula hopi lihe, ku mi no por kambi'e despues. Ayera, mi tabata --Mañan, lo tá -- Pero AWE mi tá!

Pesei AWE, mi ke bisabo ku mi ta stima bo AWE, mi ta skucha bo AWE, mi ta pidi diskulpa pa mi erornan AWE, mi ta yudá bo AWE, mi ta komparti loke mi tin AWE, mi ta hala rosea, mira, pensa, sufri, hole, yora, traha, hari, stima AWE....

AWE mi tin bida; Dios ta kòrda riba mi!


Honoring uncle Glenno's 60th Birthday

"I experience God’s best rewards. I will walk the GREAT success that God has promised, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen".

"Tata stimá, mi ta gradisí Bo pa dunami e adòrno di un spiritu humilde i trankil, ku ta di gran balor den Bo bista. Danki Tata, Amèn".


Ban Drecha'wó Nos Bida ku Kristu- Ban kana e kaminda di Lus!

Interprete: Monique Crafton- Kor Vivienne Frans & Co. -Parokia di Sta. Ana

Celebrate Jesus Christ's Glorious Resurrection! As you look back at your life, I'm sure you have seen His mighty hand at work day by day and your heart overflows with unspeakable joy as you consider what He has done for you. I’m sure there have been moments when you, too, have wondered, “Where would I be without Jesus?” Truly, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Awe, riba e dia ku nos Señor Hesu-Kristu a pasa di morto-pa-BIDA, mi ke deseá bo Felís Pasku, i ta komidá bo pa keda skucha Kreador Su palabranan pasobra ku legría lo bo saka fruta for di fuéntenan di bida. Su kariño pa bo ta henter bo bida largu.

Kreador; nos Tata ku ta biba den àltúranan di shelu, a manda Hesu-Kristu komo Lus di mundu, pa duna hende e klaridat di Su Lus.

Petishon: Tata, bendishoná e Lus aki, pa e por sende den nos un deseo ardiente di kompartí Bo Lus ku tur hende rònt di nos.

Gradisimentu: Danki pa Bo Lus i Bo bèrdat. Nan lo guiá mi i hibá mi na Bo séru santu; na Bo lugá di biba. Mi alma ta adorá Bo Señor! Oh Señor nos bon Dios; grandi ta Bo nòmber den henter Universo.

I proclaim I am forgiven! I proclaim I am loved! I proclaim I am cleansed! I proclaim that by His grace I have all that I need!

Christ Arose!

Hope is in our Hearts

Joy is in the Air

Jesus is Alive

Grace is Everywhere

Easter is our reminder that the power of His cross and resurrection brings victory to our lives... freedom to our spirits and perfect love to our hearts.

As you celebrate what God has done through Christ the Lord, His only Son, may you realize in all you do, what love the Father has for you!

I wish you God's richest blessings.

Easter Find - Acts 17:27

An egg hunt is an Easter tradition in many parts of the world. Brightly colored eggs are hidden where children can find them, and put them in their baskets. Similarly, Jesus is also hidden in this world. But if we look for him, we will find him, and he will come to live in our hearts.

Good Friday

Then Jesus shouted,
"Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!"
And with those words he breathed his last.
Luke 23:46

Sing 'PABIEN' to Richny Frans

Dios ta renobá nos eksistensia tur aña dinobo, promoviendo nos idealnan. Felís ta esnan ku ta presensiá dibino Dios. Nèrki, awe nos a lanta ku legría profundo pa gradisí, anto huntu ku Tata Santu, kanta 'Pabien' i selebrá bo!

Danki Señor pa Bo yu bienstimá Richny Frans.

The Cross

by Max Lucado

The cross. Can you turn any direction without seeing one? Perched atop a chapel. Carved into a graveyard headstone. Engraved in a ring or suspended on a chain. The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. An odd choice, don’t you think? Strange that a tool of torture would come to embody a movement of hope. The symbols of other faiths are more upbeat: the six-pointed star of David, the crescent moon of Islam, a lotus blossom for Buddhism. Yet a cross for Christianity? An instrument of execution?

Would you wear a tiny electric chair around your neck? Suspend a gold-plated hangman’s noose on the wall? Would you print a picture of a firing squad on a business card? Yet we do so with the cross. Many even make the sign of the cross as they pray. Would we make the sign of, say, a guillotine? Instead of the triangular touch on the forehead and shoulders, how about a karate chop on the palm? Doesn’t quite have the same feel, does it?

Why is the cross the symbol of our faith? To find the answer look no farther than the cross itself. Its design couldn’t be simpler. One beam horizontal—the other vertical. One reaches out—like God’s love. The other reaches up—as does God’s holiness. One represents the width of his love; the other reflects the height of his holiness. The cross is the intersection. The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards.

How could he do this? In a sentence: God put our sin on his Son and punished it there.
“God put on him the wrong who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God” (2 Cor. 5:21 MSG)

From His Name is Jesus© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2009) Max Lucado

Protecting Your Flow

To understand how fear blocks creativity, take a moment to imagine yourself telling a story. First, imagine telling the story to someone you love and who loves you. You probably feel warmth and energy as you fill in the details of your tale to your friend’s delight.

Now, imagine telling the same story to someone who, for whatever reason, makes you uncomfortable. The wonderful twists and turns, the fine points and colorful images that unfolded in your mind for your friend probably won’t present themselves. Instead of warmth, energy, and creativity, you will probably feel opposite sensations and a desire to close down. When we feel unsafe, whether we fear being judged, disliked, or misunderstood, our creative flow stops. Alternately, when we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower, without conscious effort.

Knowing this, we can maximize our creative potential by creating the conditions that inspire our creativity. In order to really be in the flow, we need to feel safe and unrestricted. However, achieving this is not as simple as avoiding people who make us feel uncomfortable.

When you’re up against fear, internal or external, ritual can be a powerful—and creative—antidote. Before you sit down to be creative, try casting a circle of protection around yourself. Visualize yourself inside a ring of light, protective fire, or angels. Imagine that this protective energy emanates unconditional love for you and wants to hear, see, and feel everything you have to express. Take a moment to bathe in the warmth of this feeling and then fearlessly surrender yourself to the power that flows through you.

Equipping Couples for Life - Dennis & Barbara Rainey

Stronger Couples. Stronger Families. Stronger Faith.

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Experience the richness in your marriage with the help of Dennis and Barbara Rainey, best-selling authors and co-founders of FamilyLife.

The FamilyLife Marriage Bible is loaded with great resources to enhance your marriage, including:
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Product Details:
- Burgundy LeatherSoft with Embossed Design
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- Published by Thomas Nelson Inc.

It's Octavio's Birthday

This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE.
Brother-in-law, I trust God makes your Birthday a blast!

Pabien Fabian!

A Joyful 'toon

COCO's Birthday Party & Engagement

♫♪♫ Happy DOG-day to you... ♫♪♫ Happy DOG-day to you... On Saturday February 27th, we celebrated COCO's 1st Birthday and the engagement between Keeler & COCO as well.

There were 9 dog-invitees. My cousin Nathalie prepared the COCO Wall of Fame, where the photoshoot took place accordingly and also the doggie detail on the Hot-dogs.

The four sexy Beverly Hills Chihuahua's, Nikita Goilo, Taquita Tromp, Tinkerbell van Rossum & Candy Verhelst, together with Missy Samson-Frans, Tutty Tromp, Keeler Frans & COCO Crafton......, they had a blast.

The cakes and the cupcakes were made of Dog food & Peanut Butter (for dogs like peanut butter to chew on). Oh yes; we did our survey The bone-shaped cake was for COCO's 1st Birthday, and the heart-shaped cake was to celebrate the engagement. All oven-baked by my brother in law
Octavio. Ingredients: (original) Cake ingredients, Dog food (also canned dog food) & real Bacon.

Hostess: Nelly Tromp
Conductor of the Seremony: Rina Penso
Parent of Keeler: Richny & Libia Frans
Parents of COCO: Agmeth & Monique Crafton